Start blurb:
Wow, it's been more than two months since I did a Nihonashi. *bad Mai-chan* I actually wrote the script about a month and a half ago, and recorded the audio about 3 weeks ago, but couldn't find the time to edit and prepare the Keynote (work, school, procrastination, forgetfulness). Sorry about that (mostly to myself...). So here it is finally!
(Click the title above to go to the video.)
Nihonashi #3 - Ichiban Suki na Hon
Hokano koe: Hai, Nihonashi youkosou.
Watashi: Ichiban suki na hon wa uso da. Erabu koto wa muzukashisugiru kara.
Hokano koe: Jaa, nani o shiyou?
Watashi: Suki na hon no naka de ippon ni hanasou.
Hokano koe: Soka. Dreamhunter deshou?
Watashi: Eh, ima yondeiru kara.
Hokano koe: Omoishiroi hon desu ne.
Watashi: Mecha original dayo! Yume o toru ne, ato de yume o urimasu.
Hokano koe: Toru? Doko?
Watashi: Da Place dayo! Hokano sekai mitai.
Hokano koe: Demo, monogatari wa genjitsu de aru deshou?
Watashi: Sou yo! Hitotsu dake kawatte, subete kawatte ne.
Hokano koe: Totemo ii hon deshita ne.
Watashi: Jitsu wa, sugu ni yodan o yomi hajimatta.
Hokano koe: Ano sugoi dane! Suki na hon... motto yomitai....
Watashi: Ne, manga te sa, nihon no hon no keizai de, hachijuu paasento gurai, shitteru kai?
Hokano koe: Dokonimo hitta wa....
Watashi: Honto ni, ichiban suki na hon wa....
Hokano koe: Kangaesuginei yo, kega o suru yo. Ne, Harry Potter wa dou?
Watashi: Suki desu!... ano hon. Mousugu yomikaesu tsumori.
Hokano koe: Zenbu?
Watashi: Hai! Tanoshimi ni suru!
Hokano koe: Rokume eiga o mita bakari dakara ne?
Watashi: Sou dayo! Tanoshikatta! Yokatta!
Hokano koe: Rokume wa ichiban suki na?
Watashi: Ee... wakanai. Zenbu suki da!
Hokano koe: Hai, hai. Jaa, minna, nihongo o renshu shinakute wa ikenai.
Watashi: Watashi-tachi to issho ni suru yo!
Hokano koe: Pittari da.
Watashi: Ja ne!
English: Nihonashi #3 - My favorite book
The other voice: Hi, welcome to Nihonashi.
Me: ‘My favorite book’ is a lie. Choosing one is too hard.
The other voice: Then, what will we do?
Me: Let’s talk about one book out of the books we like.
The other voice: I see. Dreamhunter, right?
Me: Yeah, I’m reading that right now.
The other voice: It’s an interesting book.
Me: Really original! They catch dreams, right, and later sell the dreams.
The other voice: Catch? Where?
Me: The Place. It’s like another world.
The other voice: But the story is in reality, isn’t it?
Me: Yup! Change just one thing, change everything.
The other voice: It was a really good book.
Me: Actually, right after I started the sequel.
The other voice: That’s amazing! It’s a good book... I want to read more of those....
Me: Hey, manga takes up around 80% of Japan’s book economy, did you know?
The other voice: You pulled that outta nowhere....
Me: Really, my favorite book is....
The other voice: Don’t think too hard, you’ll hurt yourself. Hey, what about Harry Potter?
Me: Me likey!... those books. Pretty soon I’m going to reread them.
The other voice: All of them?
Me: You bet! I’m looking forward to it!
The other voice: ‘Cause you just saw the 6th movie, right?
Me: That’s right! It was fun! It was good!
The other voice: Is the 6th your favorite?
Me: Ee... dunno. I like ‘em all.
The other voice: Yes, yes. Well then, everyone, you must practice your Japanese.
Me: With us!
The other voice: Exactly.
Watashi: See ya later!
ichiban = first, best
suki = to like
hon = book
uso = lie
erabu = to decide
muzukashii = difficult
sugiru = too much, used with adjectives like muzukashisugiru, too difficult, also with verbs; tabesugita, I ate too much!
ippon = one, counting book-like objects
yomu = to read
omoishiroi = interesting
mecha = really, extremely
yume = dream
toru = catch
ato de = later
uru = to sell
doko = where
sekai = world
mitai = like, similar to
monogatari = story, epic
genjitsu = the real world
hitotsu = one thing
dake = only
kawaru = to change
subete = all, everything
totemo = really
jitsu = truth, reality
sugu = soon
yodan = sequel
hajimaru = to begin
sugoi = amazing
motto = more
keizai = economy
gurai = around
dokonimo = nowhere
hiku = to pull
kangaeru = to think
kega = wound, injury
Mousugu = very soon
yomikaesu = to re-read
zenbu = all parts, everything
tanoshimi ni suru = to look forward to
rokume = 6th one... I don’t know the counter for series.
eiga = movie
bakari = just finished
wakanai = very informal version of the already informal ‘wakaranai’, to not understand
renshu = practice
issho ni = together
pittari = exactly
Tech Stuff:
Used Garageband this time to record the audio, which is great because it's easy to edit and add audio effects (like a noise gate).
Keynote instead of Final Cut -- so much easier. I mean, I'm not making a real movie, so using Final Cut was making it too complicated. Keynote is awesome.
End blurb:
The books I talked about were Dreamhunter (read it read it!), I finished the sequel too and it's also really good, and Harry Potter (on re-read I'm on the 5th book). The HP theme I hummed myself, in 2 10 sec. clips, so I hardly see that as encroaching on copyrights. It just can't be if there is any sanity left in this world (...).
So thanks, honest and heartfelt to anyone reading this. (Have I told you my doubts on the subject?)
Until next time,
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